About Us

About CJMR
Never blind the TRUTH no matter what the consequences
Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation (CJMR) is a grassroots organization dedicated to protecting the basic legal rights of Nigerian citizens through the pursuit of improvement in the country’s criminal justice system.
We work to guarantee these rights by gathering and disseminating clear and accurate information about the Correctional system and promoting practical and constructive solutions to deep-rooted problems in the Nigerian criminal justice system.
Our Vision and Mission
CJMR was founded in 1999 and registered with Corporate Affairs Commission in 2009 with registration number RC.32870.
Solving Socioeconomic challenges around us within our society.
Identifying specific problem and providing specific Solution.
- To identify the people within and in the remote areas that deserve a helping hand.
- To help break the crime circle of an ex-inmate from further committing crime.
- To alleviate suffering of the innocent and decongestion of the prisons
- To impact positive values to the family of prisoner
- To reconcile the offender and the victim of crime
- To advocate for the victim of wrongful detention / Conviction
- To provide water and medical assistance to all in need
About the Visionary
Hezekiah Adeboboye Olujobi is a man with deep passion and commitment to God.

Founder and Chief Visionary
Hezekiah Adeboboye Olujobi
1998 Hezekiah Adeboboye Olujobi –visionary for CJRM) received a direct instruction from the Lord on Soul-winning with a special emphasis on the prisons. God clearly said “Go back to where I brought you from and bring others”.
He decided to seek the face of God for direction on the mountain. The very day he was descending from the top of the mountain, he saw at the lowest part some young boys picking rust iron scraps from the refuse dump and packing them inside bags.
The Holy Spirit inspired him to wait and learn lessons from the process of recycling that the scraps go though in order to become useful. The spirit then said in a gentle voice, “This is the same business I am engaged in with sinners” Instantly, three scriptures flashed through his mind with same reference:-
1 Sam. 2:8; Ps. 113:7-8; Lk. 1:17 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifted up the beggar from their refuse, to set them among prices, and to make them inherit the throne of glory.
The influence of this vision can be traced to two conferences in his early ministry.
- Haggai institute for Advanced Leadership Training held in Lagos in 1999.
- Shiloh 2000 held in Sango Ota in year 2000.
At the end of the 1999 programme all the facilitators emphasized that “As you are going back to your ministry go and identify problems that are unresolved in your community and provide solution.
In obedience to his calling, come the accumulation of wealth of experience in the ministry he has taken the gospel to various prisons in Nigeria and Ghana including Port-Harcourt, Owerri, Warri and Benin Prisons etc. The ministry has produced pastors, evangelists and missionary. Over 100 Ex-inmates had benefited from its transition program, some of whom have been reconciled and reintegrated back to God and the society.
He is not a lawyer but a self developed formerly incarcerated fellow who have been in and out of prison for six consecutive times. He uses his past experience to address imbalances in the criminal justice system. He carries out investigation and forwards his finding to the Chief Judges of the Sate and Attorney General’s offices and the Governor for a prompt action.
Over 300 Empowered Inmates
Over 300 of these freed detainees have been empowered with skills and resources to live meaningful lives and stay out of crime.
Death Role Convict Freed
is not death role but death row
Secured the release of 19 convicts on the death row after 17-28 years behind the bar
Freed After 26 Years of Wrongful Conviction
Story of Olusola Adepetu who spent 26 years and the role of CJMR